Hi! We are Robin & Ischa and we are your teamcaptains during the NTDS and ETDS!

ETDS/NTDS: what is it?

ETDS is the abbreviation for ‘European Tourna­ment for Dan­cing Students’. This tour­nament is organized twice a year and student dancing organi­za­tions from all over Europe will parti­cipate. And if that isn’t enough, there is also a national tour­na­ment, held once a year, called the NTDS (Nederlands Toer­nooi voor Dan­sende Studenten). During this tourna­ment, you will dance against and with students from all the other Dutch asso­cia­tions, our so-called ’zusjes’.


The NTDS and ETDS are tour­na­ments, but the main reason to come along is because of the nice and welcoming atmos­phere. You’ll get to meet lots of new, interesting people who love to dance too! People who already parti­cipated once during the NTDS or ETDS can confirm: it is just a lot of fun!



The actual tournament part takes place during the day. One day you will dance standard and the other day latin. A number of profes­sional adjudicators will divide all the dancing couples in their corresponding catego­ries during the first round of dan­cing. After this first round you will be on the dance floor with multiple couples who have appro­xi­ma­tely the same level of dan­cing qualities as you do. The adju­­d­icators will then decide each round who will advance to the next round. After multiple rounds, only 6 couples will be left to dance in the finals at the end of the day to become winners within their own category.


After you danced your socks off during the tournament part, it is time to dance some more. The parties on Saturday & Sunday are the perfect opportunity to meet other dancing students, make new friends and even learn some new moves! Every tour­na­ment there is a diffe­rent theme (think: ‘Saturday mor­ning car­toons’, ‘Festival of the Future’ and even ‘Black light district’) and every­one dresses up accor­dingly. The party lasts almost the whole night and we can tell from experience it is amazing!

Don’t have a partner ?

Have no worry, on Friday evening there is a “Blind date eve­ning” where you can find one ! This is a lot of fun as you get to dance with people from all over the Netherlands / Europe. You will go through several rounds of dancing with as many people as possible and can then sign up with your new-found partner for Stan­dard, Latin or both 😉

Want to join us?

We would love for you to join our Leidance team! We will put mes­sages on face­book, Whats­App, and web­site when we receive more information about a next NTDS or ETDS, so watch those closely. And if you have any ques­tions, just send us an e-mail:

We would love to see you at a next NTDS or ETDS!

Upcoming NTDS/ETDS

ETDS2024, May 17-19Enschedehttps://www.etdstwente.nl
NTDS2025, FebruaryNijmegen