Activities January 2022
Upcoming activities - January Happy New Year everyone! Hopefully you all had a great time during the holidays and New Year's eve, drunk lots of delicious hot chocolate and eaten some lovely sweet oliebollen. Maybe you've made some new years resolutions (or maybe you've already broken with them). I made but one: to dance at least twice as much as last year. Let's see below if there's some room for that in our activities for this month. *Pssst... click the titles for links to the Facebook events, where you'll find updates.**Never miss any activities again? Link with our Google Calendar. [one_half padding="0 20px 0 0px"] Jackbox party game night Tuesday January 4th, 20:00-23:00 @ Discord Since we can't come together for monthly drinks to celebrate the new year, we will be organising another game night,…