
Activities February 2023

In this post you will find an overview of the February '23 Leidance activities. Or read the full newsletter here:*Pssst… click the titles or pictures for links to the Facebook events, where you’ll find the latest updates.**Never miss any activities again? Link with our Google Calendar. Leidance advanced SalsaEvery Monday, 21:10 - 22:05 @ USC dance hallDid you follow all three Salsa levels, but wanna learn more? Come to the Leidance exclusive Salsa classes! You'll learn even more advanced figures, and if you want, you can participate in the show team for the bi-annual USC dance show. DIES birthday cakeSaturday February 4, 15:00 - 17:00 @ USC canteenOn Monday the 6th of February, Leidance is turning 9 years old. We can't let this special day go by without celebrating it. Therefore, we will…
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Activities January 2023

*Pssst… click the titles or pictures for links to the Facebook events, where you’ll find the latest updates.**Never miss any activities again? Link with our Google Calendar. Leidance advanced SalsaEvery Monday, 21:10 - 22:05 @ USC dance hallDid you follow all three Salsa levels, but wanna learn more? Come to the Leidance exclusive Salsa classes! You'll learn even more advanced figures, and if you want, you can participate in the show team for the bi-annual USC dance show. New years drinksTuesday January 10, 20:30 - 23:00 @ Cafe de KeyzerBeer, wine, FREE bittergarnituur and a lot of chatting is to be caught up on. Let's get together again at our usual cafe. As usual, we'll take care of the snacks as you bring the good vibes. Latin Party: Glow in the darkSaturday January…
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Activities November 2022

*Pssst... click the titles or pictures for links to the Facebook events, where you'll find the latest updates.**Never miss any activities again? Link with our Google Calendar. Committee interest DrinksTuesday November 1, 20:30 - 23:00 @ Cafe de KeyzerLike every first Tuesday of the month, we'll be hosting monthly drinks at cafe the Keyzer. However, in addition to the usual chatter and free snacks, this Tuesday we will answer all your questions regarding our committees.  Social Dance Latin editionTuesday November 8, 21:15 - 23:00 @ USC MF hallNever miss a chance to dance! Come join our social dance evening for some ball­room, salsa, bachata, kizomba and other dances upon request. Open and free to everyone with a USC sub­scrip­tion (or buy a day card for €7,15-). You can come find us in the USC Multifunctional…
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Activities October 2022

*Pssst... click the titles for links to the Facebook events, where you'll find updates.**Never miss any activities again? Link with our Google Calendar. [one_half][five_sixth] Hutspot dinner Sunday 2nd October, 17:00 - 19:00 @ Rijnsburgerweg 171C Like every year, we'll be organising our traditional hutspot dinner, in cele­bration of 'Leidens ontzet' (the liberation of Leiden from the Spaniards). Come start the eve­ning with a delicious dinner. Those who want can join us after­wards and enjoy the rest of the evening with a lot of music, dan­cing and 'gezel­lig­heid' in the streets of Leiden. [/five_sixth][one_sixth_last][/one_sixth_last][/one_half] [one_half_last][one_sixth]  [/one_sixth][five_sixth_last] Monthly Drinks Tuesday 4th October, 20:30 - 23:00 @ Cafe de Keyzer Hanging out during dance is fun, but it dis­tracts from the dance - come join us at the Monthly drinks bonding evening where you don't have to choose between that…
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Activities September 2022

*Pssst... click the titles for links to the Facebook events, where you'll find updates.**Never miss any activities again? Link with our Google Calendar. [one_half][five_sixth] Mixed party: Summer festival Saturday 3rd September, 19:30 - 00:00 @ USC The summer is ending and a new academic year is starting so we are throwing a party to forget the dread of the upcoming grind for a moment. The party is catered towards dancers of all styles with two rooms: one for Salsa, Bachata, and Kizomba - the other reserved for Ballroom. Invite all of your friends who think they would like to dance - entry is free, and there will be beginner Cha cha cha and Bachata workshops! [/five_sixth][one_sixth_last][/one_sixth_last][/one_half] [one_half_last][one_sixth]  [/one_sixth][five_sixth_last] Monthly Drinks Tuesday 6th September, 20:30-23:00 @ Cafe de Keyzer Hanging out during dance is fun, but it distracts from the…
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Activities July 2022

*Pssst... click the titles for links to the Facebook events, where you'll find updates.**Never miss any activities again? Link with our Google Calendar. [one_half][five_sixth] Monthly Drinks Tuesday July 5, 20:30-23:00 @  Leidse Hout cafe de Keyzer Although the weather will not be warm enough to sit in the park tonight, no reason to be sad. We will be meeting up at our standard cafe for some good drinks and some lovely warm snacks, while we chatter the night away. [/five_sixth][one_sixth_last][/one_sixth_last][/one_half] [one_half_last][one_sixth]  [/one_sixth][five_sixth_last] Ballroom Open Practice Wednesday July 6, 13, 20, 27; 19:30-22:30 @ Dance hall, USC Since there are no classes during the summer, Ballroom Open Practice is moving from every second Tuesday to every Wednesday instead of the regular classes. [/five_sixth_last][/one_half_last] [one_half][five_sixth] Social Dance: Latin Tuesday, July 12, 20:30-23:00 @ MF hall, USC…
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Activities May 2022

*Pssst… click the titles for links to the Facebook events, where you’ll find updates.**Never miss any activities again? Link with our Google Calendar. [one_half][five_sixth] Monthly drinks Tuesday May 3th, 20:00-22:00 @ Cafe de Keyzer Beer, wine, bittergarnituur and a lot of chatting is to be caught up on. And now we can again! Let's not waste any more time and get together again at our usual cafe, for now ending an hour early, so no time to waste. As usual, we'll take care of the 'bittergarnituur' as you bring the 'gezelligheid'. [/five_sixth][one_sixth_last][/one_sixth_last][/one_half] [one_half_last][one_sixth]  [/one_sixth][five_sixth_last] Social dance - Latin edition  Tuesday, May 10th,  20:30-23:00 @ USC MF hall Never miss a chance to dance! For this social dance we will focus only on Salsa, Bachata and Kizomba with some occasional Latin Ballroom ? Open and free…
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Activities April 2022

*Pssst… click the titles for links to the Facebook events, where you’ll find updates.**Never miss any activities again? Link with our Google Calendar. Monthly drinks Tuesday April 5th, 20:00-22:00 @ Cafe de Keyzer Beer, wine, bittergarnituur and a lot of chatting is to be caught up on. And now we can again! Let's not waste any more time and get together again at our usual cafe, for now ending an hour early, so no time to waste. As usual, we'll take care of the 'bittergarnituur' as you bring the 'gezelligheid'. Social dance - Latin edition  Tuesday April 26th,  20:30-23:00 @ USC MF hall For this social dance, we will focus only on Salsa, Bachata and Kizomba with some occasional Latin Ballroom.  So bring all your dance friends, and join us on the dance floor!  St.James Ballroom…
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Activities February 2022

*Pssst... click the titles for links to the Facebook events, where you'll find updates.**Never miss any activities again? Link with our Google Calendar. [one_half padding="0 20px 0 0px"] Leidance Salsa Every Monday, 21:00 - 22:00 @ USC Exclusively for Leidance members, there is a high level Salsa class every Monday, given by Johnathan. The class will be held at the USC. If you're not (yet) a Leidance member, but you wanna give this class a try? Send us an email: [/one_half] [one_half_last padding="0 20px 0 0px"] Monthly drinks Tuesday February 1th, 20:00-22:00 @ Cafe de Keyzer Beer, wine, bittergarnituur and a lot of chatting is to be caught up on. And now we can again! Let's not waste any more time and get together again at our usual cafe, for now ending an…
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WANTED: new board for half a year

[one_half] Do you want to organize amazing events, parties and workshops? To work together with other dancers and get to know lots of new people? And most importantly: do you want to help Leidance get even better? Then you are the person we're looking for! [/one_half] [one_half_last] For the past few months Tineke, Nas and Zander have been looking over Leidance but it's time to find new Leidance heroes and therefore we ask you for help. Are you interested in becoming a new board member? Or do you know anyone who is? Find more information below. [/one_half_last]  
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