Kizomba lessons

During the year we are used to these amazing USC kizomba lessons on Mondays, and we don’t want to miss them during the summer! We have found a variety of teachers for the lessons, like our own members Andrew and Carlijne, and our good friend Dasha from Dynamics Academy.  So, if you want a great way to step up your kizomba game and learn some new things about this beautiful dance, join us during the summer on Mondays! Disclaimer: during the EL CID and the OWL week there won’t be any lessons.

All the lessons will take place in the Universitary Sports Centre. Access to the USC is free when you are a USC member, otherwise free once with an inspiration pass, after that €6,50 for a day pass.
Leidance members have free access to the Social Dancings, non-members pay just one euro. Please bring your membership card when you are a member.