Activities July

Dear dancers!

Summer has started and just in time, with our summer holidays around the corner, we are allowed to dance again! Oh how we’ve missed the twisting and turning in our dancing shoes, and of course, how we’ve missed all the social activities!

To make up for some of this lost dancing and social time the board has come up with many activities this summer. Here’s the programm for July:

  • 07-07 Tuesday: Monthly Drinks: After so much time we are having our monthly drinks at the old location again! Join us form 21:00 till 23:00 at Café de Keyzer!
  • 18-07 Saturday: Social Drinks: A weekend edition of our social drinks in the park! Join us from 21:00 till 23:00 @ Van Der Werfpark, and let’s hopy for some great weather and a wonderful summer night out!
  • 19-07 Sunday: Ballroom Worksop Latin: During this workshop we will learn about technique, posture, footwork and much more, with the focus on the ballroom latin dances. Come join us this afternoon from 14:00 till 15:00 at the Dancing Hall at the USC!
  • 21-07 Tuesday: Tabletop Game Night:Due to the success of the game nights during the crisis, we decided to keep them! From 20:00 till 23:00 we will be online again, come and join us for a wonderful evening of playing games!
  • 26-07 Sunday: GMA: Board candidacy introduction: And last but not least we are having another GMA, this is the time for all members to make their voices heard! We will also be introducing the board candidates for  next year so make sure you’re there! There will also be a live stream of the assembly, more information on this will follow. Join us from 19:30 till 23:00.

Please make sure to keep an eye on our social media for any updates on the activities. Besides that, the board has planned many more amazing activites, including several dancing workshops in August, so stay tuned!