Activities February 2022

*Pssst… click the titles for links to the Facebook events, where you’ll find updates.**Never miss any activities again? Link with our Google Calendar.

Leidance Salsa

Every Monday, 21:00 – 22:00 @ USC

Exclusively for Leidance members, there is a high level Salsa class every Monday, given by Johnathan. The class will be held at the USC. If you’re not (yet) a Leidance member, but you wanna give this class a try? Send us an email:

Monthly drinks

Tuesday February 1th, 20:00-22:00 @ Cafe de Keyzer

Beer, wine, bittergarnituur and a lot of chatting is to be caught up on. And now we can again! Let’s not waste any more time and get together again at our usual cafe, for now ending an hour early, so no time to waste. As usual, we’ll take care of the ‘bittergarnituur’ as you bring the ‘gezelligheid’.

DIES cakes eating

Sunday February 6th 14:00 – 16:00 @ USC canteen

Another year has passed since Leidance was officially instituted. Come celebrate Leidance’s 8th birthday with us in the USC canteen. We’ll bring some delicious homemade cake ?

Social dancing

Tuesday February 8th and 22th, 20:30-23:00 @ USC mf room

A day I didn’t dance is a day I didn’t live. But we won’t let it get to that, for every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month we’ll take care of the music and all you have to do, is bring those classy moves!

NTDS prep workshop

Sunday February 20th 09:30 – 14:30 @ USC budozaal

Are you joining the Dutch Tournament for Dancing Students (NTDS)? Do you want to learn more about how to present yourself before, during and after dancing? Have you yet to learn our choreography on Timber? If you answer one or more of these questions with yes, then this workshop is the perfect opportunity for you! Our brand new teamcaptain, Robin Tolenaar, and her ‘Reinier 2.0’, Ischa Bremer, will teach us everything we need to know. More information about the exact time and programme will follow soon.

Galaxy: mixed dance party

Saturday February 26th 20:00 – 00:00 @ USC budozaal

Are you that person that always tries to look at the world from a different perspective? This one night it will be easier than ever. Join us on a trip through the beautiful colours of the galaxy, float your way through your favourite dances in a world free of gravity, while our DJ provides you with only the best quality music.Dress code: everything galaxy black, blue, purple or green, glitters encouragedTickets online soon!


Entree price early bird tickets:

  • Members: €4
  • Sisters: €5
  • Non-members: €8

Entree price door tickets:

  • Members: €5
  • Sisters: €6
  • Non-members: €9